Grievance Procedure

Athens State University is committed to providing equal and integrated access for students with disabilities to academic, social, cultural, and recreational programs at Athens State University. This commitment is grounded not only in the law but also in the University’s dedication to the inclusion of all members of the community. This Accessibility Services grievance process is intended to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints involving accommodations, services, and academic adjustments for students with disabilities, and is distinct from the University’s Student Grievance Procedure.

Student complaints related to harassment or discrimination on the basis of disability should be directed to Jeff Powers, Title IX Coordinator. Procedures related to these complaints can be found within the “Harassment and Discrimination Policy and Procedure.”

For the purposes of this document, “business day” is defined as any day the University is officially open, regardless of whether classes are in session.

Informal Process

Students with grievances relating to accommodation determinations or implementation should first work through the grievance process relating to disability accommodation with the Accessibility Services Specialist. Faculty or staff who believe that an accommodation for a student fundamentally alters the nature or operation of the University’s programs, services, or activities are also encouraged to first consult the Accessibility Services Specialist. If the student, faculty, or staff member’s grievance cannot be resolved, then the grievant should contact the ADA/504 Coordinator.

If the grievance cannot be discussed with the Accessibility Services Specialist, the student should meet with the ADA/504 Coordinator first to discuss the issues and explore resolution. After investigating the situation, the Coordinator will inform the grievant and involved parties of progress, findings or resolution within ten (10) business days.


Athens State University will strive to maintain the confidentiality of information shared throughout the grievance process, although disclosures may be required for the purpose of fact-finding or efforts to resolve the grievance. All persons involved in the student grievance will be advised of the importance of confidentiality in the process and asked to maintain the confidentiality of the information discussed during the fact-finding process and the identity of the grievant.

Filing a Formal Disability Services Grievance

Should an individual feel that their issue was unresolved by the informal process, they are encouraged to utilize the Formal Grievance Procedure. This procedure and related forms can be found in the office of Accessibility Services upon request. While students are encouraged to utilize Athens State University’s process in resolving disability-related grievances, all students have a right to file a complaint directly with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR).

OCR’s contact information is below:

Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center, Suite 16T70
61 Forsyth Street, S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30303-8909
Voice Phone (800) 368-1019
FAX (404) 562-7881
TDD (800) 537-7697

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